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SQL Tutorials

Keep up to date with the latest techniques and resources for SQL Server. Our tutorials are full of free SQL Server training tips to help you learn, build, & grow.
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Introduction to SQL Joins

In this tutorial, you'll learn about the mechanics of joins in SQL and its different types.

Sayak Paul

March 20, 2019


How to Use SQLite in Python

In this tutorial, you will learn about using SQLite, an extremely light-weight Relational database management system (RDBMS) in Python.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

March 12, 2019


SQL with Tableau

In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect Tableau to a Microsoft SQL Server database and then analyze the data to get insights.
Parul Pandey's photo

Parul Pandey

March 5, 2019


Introduction to the ALTER TABLE Statement in SQL

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use and apply the ALTER TABLE statement in SQL.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

March 4, 2019


Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL

In this tutorial, you will learn what views are, the different types available, and the pros and cons of using them.
Avinash Navlani's photo

Avinash Navlani

March 1, 2019


Using ORDER BY Keyword in SQL

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use and apply the ORDER BY keyword in SQL.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

February 27, 2019


How to Install PostgreSQL on Windows and Mac OS X

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install PostgreSQL on two different operating systems - Windows and Mac.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

February 22, 2019


Working with Spreadsheets in SQL

In this tutorial, learn how to import a spreadsheet into PostgreSQL and perform analysis on it.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

February 15, 2019


Managing Databases in PostgreSQL

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create, drop and select a database in SQL.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

February 7, 2019


Beginner's Guide to PostgreSQL

In this tutorial, you will learn how to write simple SQL queries in PostgreSQL.
Sayak Paul's photo

Sayak Paul

February 5, 2019


How to Use GROUP BY and HAVING in SQL

An intuitive guide for discovering the two most popular SQL commands to aggregate rows of your dataset
Eugenia Anello's photo

Eugenia Anello

February 21, 2023